My full name is Lion Paws R. Serving
I would love to participate in your Lions Club project or event and help bring some positive attention and PR to your Lions Club.
Send an appearance request with the logistical details to: requests@lion-paws.com
My Scrapbook Blog is a journal of some of my activities and the great time I am having being a Lion in East Tennessee. For more current information, check out my Facebook Page
I can’t fit all the photos in my Scrapbook, so I’ve added the Photo Albums with picture galleries from each of my events:
- View photos from 2012 appearances
- View photos from 2011 appearances
- View photos from 2010 appearances
- View photos from 2009 appearances
Who are Lions?
Lions are groups of service-minded men and women who are interested in improving their communities. We are young people, families and Baby Boomers alike. Most importantly, Lions are people like YOU!
To become a Lion is to become an active volunteer, a member of a respected international organization, a leader in your community and a friend to people in need.
There are many reasons to become a member. As a Lion, you will:
- Help your community and gain valuable skills
- Make an impact on people’s lives – locally and internationally
- Learn to be a leader – and lead a respected organization
- Network with business people in your community and around the world
- Energize your life and have fun
You’ll grow personally and professionally. And you’ll know that what you do is worthwhile and appreciated!
To find a Lions Club near you, check this list of East Tennessee Lions Clubs, the international Lions Club Locator, or contact me and I’ll see how I can help!
One of the things I’ve noticed as I get ‘out and about’ is that children LOVE Lions. OK, a small portion are scared, but the majority, wave, smile, and even run to me for a hug!
That seems to make a lot of sense to me, because Lions LOVE children! There are so many youth projects in which Lions Clubs participate. Just a few are:
- Purchasing eye exams and glasses for children
- Diabetes Recreational Camps
- Boy and Girl Scout Troops
- Lions Quest life skills
- International Peace Poster Contest
- Literacy Programs
- Sight Screenings
- America’s Promise
- Youth Exchange
- Leo Clubs for students to serve
- Camps for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Camps for the Hearing Impaired