
My full name is Lion Paws R. Serving

I would love to participate in your Lions Club project or event and help bring some positive attention and PR to your Lions Club.

Lion Paws with 2009-2010 Lions Clubs International President Eberhard Wirfs

Lion Paws with 2009-2010 Lions Clubs International President Eberhard Wirfs

Send an appearance request with the logistical details to: requests@lion-paws.com

My Scrapbook Blog is a journal of some of my activities and the great time I am having being a Lion in East Tennessee.  For more current information, check out my Facebook Page

I can’t fit all the photos in my Scrapbook, so I’ve added the Photo Albums with picture galleries from each of my events:

Lion Paws on Facebook

Who are Lions?


Lions are groups of service-minded men and women who are interested in improving their communities. We are young people, families and Baby Boomers alike. Most importantly, Lions are people like YOU!

To become a Lion is to become an active volunteer, a member of a respected international organization, a leader in your community and a friend to people in need.

There are many reasons to become a member. As a Lion, you will:

  • Help your community and gain valuable skills
  • Make an impact on people’s lives – locally and internationally
  • Learn to be a leader – and lead a respected organization
  • Network with business people in your community and around the world
  • Energize your life and have fun

You’ll grow personally and professionally. And you’ll know that what you do is worthwhile and appreciated!

To find a Lions Club near you, check this list of East Tennessee Lions Clubs, the international Lions Club Locator, or contact me and I’ll see how I can help!

One of the things I’ve noticed as I get ‘out and about’ is that children LOVE Lions. OK, a small portion are scared, but the majority, wave, smile, and even run to me for a hug!

That seems to make a lot of sense to me, because Lions LOVE children! There are so many youth projects in which Lions Clubs participate. Just a few are:

  • Purchasing eye exams and glasses for children
  • Diabetes Recreational Camps
  • Boy and Girl Scout Troops
  • Lions Quest life skills
  • International Peace Poster Contest
  • Literacy Programs
  • Sight Screenings
  • America’s Promise
  • Youth Exchange
  • Leo Clubs for students to serve
  • Camps for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Camps for the Hearing Impaired