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Knox County North Lions Club Dog Show on 8/29/09

Knox County North Lions at Registration

Knox County North Lions at Registration

On August 29th, the Knox County North Lions Club held it’s annual “Fun” Dog Show.

PDG Clare Crawford has helped me at some other events, but this was the first time I had met many other members of her club.

The Westminster Kennel Club had NOTHING on this show!

There were classes for fastest wag, best trick, longest ears, cutest puppy, popcorn toss, hot dog dunk, and more.

There was also a class for the “Best Costume”.

If ANYONE was going to sponsor this one, you KNOW it had to be me :-)

Best Costume Trophy

Best Costume Trophy

“Best Costume” was the first class of the day, and I led all the costumed canines in a parade around the gym while the judging took place.

I didn’t have time to get a photo with the winning dog, but here’s a picture of the trophy taken ahead of time.

There was a pretty intimidating Great Dane (I think?) that sent me running.

Lions aren’t afraid of too many things, but this dog was bigger than me!

A Vol fan!

A Vol fan!

Wendy Cain and her dog

Wendy Cain and her dog

Another of the dogs, as you can see, was a Tennessee Volunteer fan all decked out in its orange.

PDG Wendy Cain was kind enough to help me out during this appearance.

But she also had her hands full with her own dog, a Bassett Hound.

We were taking some pictures outside, and since he was a shorter dog, I knelt down for a closer photo.

I don’t remember that crazy dog’s name, but he had no fear as he climbed up on me!

A new Friend!

A new Friend!

Finally, one of the new friends I made was the little girl of the Knox County North Lions Club President.

I think she was ready to take me home as an over-sized stuffed animal, and she was definitely curious as she continued to wave to me and come up to see me.

We both LOVED sharing big hugs and posing for the camera :-)

I wish I could have stayed around longer, but be sure to check out my additional photos with people AND dogs.

Go to the photo album from the Knox County North Lions Club Dog Show to see more!

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