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Morristown Lions Club Car Show on 6/13/09

Lions Registration

Lions Registration

I had a great time today at my first Lions Club Project. . . the Morristown Lions Club Lion-O-Rama Car Show! Visit the Morristown Lions Club web site.

Hopefully, the Lions Club sold a lot of their Lion-O-Rama shirts and were able to make a lot of money from the Car Show to help serve others!

Not only did I get to debut my new Lions Vest, but I saw a lot of Lions at work and over 120 cars in the show. What a great turnout!

Lion Paws in Lion-O-Rama Shirt

Lion Paws in Lion-O-Rama Shirt

Personally, I didn’t “work” as hard as the other Lions, but then again, it’s hard enough just “being me” in 85 degree heat :-)

I enjoyed walking along Morris Blvd. looking at the cars in the show and waving at all the traffic going by.

I must have been pretty noticable, because lots of people waved back and honked!

A few of the car owners were nice enough to let me get pictures in their cars.

Cruising at the Car Show

Cruising at the Car Show

One even offered to take me cruisin’ in her convertible, but I don’t understand why noone would let me drive! 

I also had a terrific time with the kids.

I got lots of high-fives and hugs!

I even had a few that danced with me to the live music that was playing – Fun!

One little boy was a bit confused and called “Tiger” to get my attention, but I didn’t mind.

Dancing to the Music

Dancing to the Music

At least he wasn’t afraid of me!

There were lots of children playing in the fountain – it sure looked refreshing!

One boy just couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t follow him to play in the water.

I sure wanted to!

But do you know what a wet dog smells like?

Well, I suspect a wet Lion would be much the same :-)


It sure is fun being a Lion! I can’t wait for the next event! 

Keeping Roaring!

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